Carson City
09-01-22 Agenda with Supporting Materials
Day: Thursday
Date: September 1, 2022
Time: Beginning at 8:30 am
Location: Community Center, Robert ‘Bob’ Crowell Board Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
Members of the public who wish to view the meeting may watch the livestream of the Board of Supervisors meeting at and by clicking on “In progress” next to the meeting date, or by tuning in to cable channel 191. Livestream of the meeting is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to the public. Carson City does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. Although all reasonable efforts will be made to provide livestream, unanticipated technical difficulties beyond the control of City staff may delay, interrupt, or render unavailable continuous livestream capability.
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be submitted via email by not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Public comment during a meeting is limited to three minutes for each speaker.
1. Call to Order - Board of Supervisors
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation – Brady Roser, The Bridge
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comment:** Late Material
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.
6. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - August 4, 2022
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.
7. Airport Authority
7.A For Possible action: Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed sixth amendment (“Amendment”) to the lease agreement (“Lease”) between Mentors Unlimited, Inc. (“Mentors”) and the Carson City Airport Authority (“Airport”) concerning APN 005-011-88 that would (1) allow Mentors to continue operating under the Lease through December 8, 2034, and (2) increase the rental rate for the Lease to $0.28 per square foot annually. (Steve Tackes,; Corey Jenkins,
Staff Summary: The Lease was originally executed between Carson City and Mentors in 1987, then subsequently amended five times. Currently, the Lease will expire on December 8, 2024, and Mentors pays $0.12 per square foot annually in rent. The Amendment would extend the Lease by 10 years, such that it expires on December 8, 2034, and it would increase the rental rate to $0.28 per square foot annually.
8. Finance
8.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding the report on the condition of each fund in the treasury and the statements of receipts and expenditures through August 19, 2022, per NRS 251.030 and NRS 354.290. (Sheri Russell,
Staff Summary: NRS 251.030 requires the Chief Financial Officer (for the purpose of the statute acting as the County Auditor) to report to the Board of Supervisors, at each regular meeting thereof, the condition of each fund in the treasury. NRS 354.290 requires the County Auditor to report to the Board of Supervisors a statement of revenues and expenditures based on the accounts and funds as were used in the budget. A more detailed accounting is available on the City’s website –
9. Health and Human Services
9.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed acceptance of the Nevada Immunization and Vaccine for Children grant from the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, in the amount of $147,692 reimbursed in Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2023, effective upon execution through June 30, 2023. (Nicki Aaker,; Katharyn Reece,
Staff Summary: The purpose of this grant is to eliminate cases of vaccine preventable diseases in Carson City, Douglas and Lyon Counties by raising immunization rates and through case management under the provisions of Perinatal Hepatitis B prevention. The grant provides 100 percent funding; there is no match requirement. The Carson City Department of Health and Human Services (“CCHHS”) has received the sub-award since 2013.
10. Parks
10.A For Possible Corrective Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request to reallocate $150,000 from the General Fund Capital Improvement Program (“CIP”), which were designated for the tennis courts at Centennial Park and approved as part of the Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2022 CIP, to the Ross Gold Park Tennis Court Rehabilitation Project. (Nick Wentworth, and Jennifer Budge,
Staff Summary: On July 7, 2022, the Board of Supervisors ("Board") reallocated $150,000 to the Ross Gold Park Tennis Court Rehabilitation Project from the General Fund CIP that was designated for the Tennis Courts at Centennial Park, instead of from residential construction tax (“RCT”) funds designated for the Ross Gold Park Pavilion Project. A reallocation of funding was needed for the Ross Gold Park Tennis Court Rehabilitation Project because costs for the project had significantly increased. This item is to properly designate the source of the funds being reallocated.
11. Public Works
11.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a Master License Agreement ("MLA") between New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("Cingular") and Carson City ("City") for the placement and operation of small cell wireless equipment on City-owned and third-party poles and street lights located within the City right-of-way, including an application fee of $1,400 per installation and an annual attachment fee of up to $1,036 per installation, with modifications to the insurance provisions of the previously approved MLA template, and authorization for the Mayor to sign the MLA. (Darren Schulz, and Dan Stucky,
Staff Summary: On October 1, 2020, the Board of Supervisors approved an MLA template to be used between City and wireless providers in the future to deploy small cell wireless technology in City right-of-way. Cingular has requested modifications to Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements of the previously approved MLA template. The Board of Supervisors must approve any changes to the template.
12. Purchasing and Contracts
12.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding Contract No. 23300188 for AP Triton LLC (“APT”) to provide professional services through an Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) evaluation and optimization study (“EMS Study”) for a not to exceed amount of $54,913. (Carol Akers; and Sean Slamon,
Staff Summary: The EMS Study will provide a detailed analysis and recommendations to improve the City’s EMS system and identify opportunities for increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, operational and patient-care quality improvement and long-term sustainability. This service was approved as part of the Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2023 Capital Improvement Plan (“CIP”) for the Ambulance Fund.
(End of Consent Agenda)
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items
13. Item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time.
14. Community Development - Planning
14.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding an appeal by the applicant, David A. Johnson (“Applicant”), of condition no. 6 of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a special use permit ("SUP") to allow for a guest building greater than 700 square feet in size on a property zoned Single Family Residential – 6,000 Square Feet (“SF6”) located at 1555 Kings Canyon Road, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 009-014-18 (the "Property"). (Heather Manzo, Late Material
Staff Summary: On June 29, 2022, the Planning Commission heard and approved case no. LU-2022-0258, a request for a SUP for a guest building, subject to conditions of approval. A guest building requires a SUP within the SF6 use district. The Applicant submitted an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision under Carson City Municipal Code ("CCMC") 18.02.060, appealing the approval of the SUP subject to condition no. 6, which requires that a deed restriction be recorded stating that the guest building will be occupied by family member(s) of the primary residence and their non-paying guests, and shall not be rented. The Board of Supervisors may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Planning Commission.
15. Public Works
15.A For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action on an update of the City’s Space Needs Assessment, and direction on addressing future space needs at the Carson City Justice and Municipal Court building ("courthouse") and various other space needs of the City. (Robert Nellis,; Dan Stucky, Late Material
Staff Summary: Staff will provide a brief update on the progress of the Space Needs Assessment for the courthouse and other space needs of the City. TSK Architects (“TSK”) will discuss options for adding a new courtroom; relocation of the office of the Clerk-Recorder; reallocation of office space for the Court Clerk, the District Attorney and the Department of Alternative Sentencing; and possible expansion of the courthouse.
16. City Manager
16.A For Discussion Only: Discussion and presentation of the Fiscal Year ("FY") 2022 Strategic Plan Annual Report. (Stephanie Hicks,
Staff Summary: In September 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved the Carson City FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan which was prepared to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations and ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals. To meet the goals and objectives identified in this strategic plan, a plan review process was implemented to monitor the progress of the tactics and performance measures. The FY 2022 Strategic Plan Annual Report will be presented to the Board of Supervisors to report accomplishments for ongoing tactics and those scheduled for completion in FY 2022.
17. Health and Human Services
17.A Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding the submission of grant documents by Carson City Health and Human Services (“CCHHS”) to the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health (“DPBH”) for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (“CDC”) Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems grant, Strategy A1-Workforce, in the amount of $921,281.25 effective November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2027. (Nicki Aaker, and Dustin Boothe,
Staff Summary: This is a CDC grant passed through DPBH to CCHHS. CCHHS was asked to provide, and did provide, supporting documents to the grant applicant, DPBH, by August 10, 2022. This grant has two components, A and B. Component A has three strategies, and these documents are in support of Strategy A1 – Workforce funding with the goal to support, sustain and train a public health workforce in Carson City and Douglas, Lyon and Storey Counties to meet critical infrastructure needs identified throughout the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
18. Finance
Pursuant to NRS 350.020(3), adoption of this resolution requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Supervisors.
Staff Summary: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution of intent to issue general obligation (limited tax) infrastructure sales tax bonds (additionally secured by pledged revenues) and authorize the City Manager or the City's Chief Financial Officer to arrange for the sale of the bonds.
19. Board of Supervisors
Non-Action Items:
City Manager Update
Status review of projects
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report
19.A For Discussion Only: Discussion and presentation regarding the City Manager update on current City projects, activities and other items of interest to the Board of Supervisors and the community. (Nancy Paulson,
Staff Summary: The City Manager will present an update on current City projects, activities and other items of interest to the Board of Supervisors and the community. This will include an overview of Internal Finance Committee and Community Development activities, as well as upcoming City events.
Closed Non-Meeting to Confer with Management Representatives and Counsel:
Following a recess or adjournment, the Carson City Board of Supervisors may gather to meet with its management representatives or to receive information from an attorney employed or retained by the City regarding potential and/or existing litigation involving matters over which the public body has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power and to deliberate toward decisions on the matters.
20. Public Comment:**
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.
21. For Possible Action: To Adjourn
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS - The Mayor and Supervisors meet at various times as different public bodies: the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority, and the Carson City Board of Health. Each, as called to order, will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak. Testimony from a person who is directly involved with an item, such as City staff, an applicant or a party to an administrative hearing or appeal, is not considered public comment and is not subject to the three-minute time limitation.
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager’s Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager’s Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775) 887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
To request a copy of the supporting materials for this meeting contact Alexis Philippi at or call (775) 887-2100.
This agenda and backup information are available on the City’s website at and at the City Manager’s Office - City Hall, 201 N. Carson Street, Ste 2, Carson City, Nevada (775) 887-2100.
This notice has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall 201 North Carson Street