03-16-17 Agenda with Supporting Materials

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Day:          Thursday
Date:         March 16, 2017
Time:        Beginning at 8:30 am
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
                  851 East William Street
                  Carson City, Nevada


1.    Call to Order - Board of Supervisors

2.    Roll Call

3.    Invocation -
Bruce Henderson, Church of Christ

4.    Pledge of Allegiance

5.    Public Comment:**

The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.

6.    For Possible Action:  Approval of Minutes - February 16, 2017

7.    For Possible Action:  Adoption of Agenda

8.    Special Presentations

 8.A   Presentation of Length of Service certificates to City employees.  (Melanie Bruketta, mbruketta@0599hd.com)  

Staff Summary:  Each month the Board of Supervisors presents Length of Service certificates to employees who have completed 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of City service. 

Consent Agenda

All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing.  Any member of the Board may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting.  The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.

9.    Finance

 9.A   For Possible Action: To accept the report on the condition of each fund in the treasury and the statements of receipts and expenditures through March 3, 2017 per NRS 251.030 and NRS 354.290. (Nancy Paulson, npaulson@0599hd.com) 

Staff Summary:  NRS 251.030 requires the Chief Financial Officer (for the purpose of the statute acting as the County Auditor) to report to the Board of County Commissioners (or in our case the Board of Supervisors), at each regular meeting thereof, the condition of each fund in the treasury. NRS 354.290 requires the County Auditor to report to the Board of Supervisors a statement of revenues and expenditures based on the accounts and funds as were used in the budget.  A more detailed accounting is available on the City’s website – dzy8.0599hd.com. 

 9.B   For Possible Action:  To approve Task No. 3 for Contract No. 1415-122 with Eide Bailly LLP to provide auditing services for FY 2016-17 for a not to exceed amount of $93,948 and a contingency amount of $22,000 (if needed for auditing additional major federal grant programs) and to designate Eide Bailly LLP as the auditing firm for FY 2016-17. (Nancy Paulson, npaulson@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  Carson City is required to designate an auditor on an annual basis per NRS 354.624.

(End of Consent Agenda)

10.    Recess as the Board of Supervisors

Liquor and Entertainment Board

11.    Call to Order & Roll Call -- Liquor and Entertainment Board

12.    Public Comment:**

The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.

13.    For Possible Action:  Approval of Minutes - February 2, 2017 and February 16, 2017
14.    Community Development - Business License

 14.A   For Possible Action:  To approve the liquor catering license transfer from 2811 S. Carson St. to 701 S. Carson St. for Scotty's Family Restaurant, Inc. dba A Catered Affaire (Liquor License #17-31743). (Lena Reseck, lreseck@0599hd.com) 

Staff Summary:  All liquor license requests are to be reviewed by the Liquor and Entertainment Board per CCMC 4.13.  Scotty's Family Restaurant, Inc. dba A Catered Affaire is relocating to 701 S. Carson St.  The applicant has met the requirements per CCMC 4.13.125 and staff is recommending approval. 

 14.B   For Possible Action:  To recommend to the Board of Supervisors adoption of an ordinance amending the Carson City Municipal Code Title 4, Licenses and Business Regulations, Chapter 13, Liquor Board and Liquor License and Sales, by amending Section 4.13.010, Definitions, to modify existing definitions for “Beer”, “Business License Division”, “Director” and “Wine”, and to add definitions for  “Brew Pub”, “Brewery”, “Craft Distillery”, “Intoxicating Liquor”, “License”, “On Premise” and “Wholesale Dealer”; amending Section 4.13.020, Meetings of Board-Quorum-Voting-Compensation-Chairman-Clerk, to state that the mayor shall serve as the Board chair; amending Section 4.13.030, Powers and Duties of the Board, to allow for the appointment of a Hearings Officer to grant or deny applications and to consider appeals of Hearings Officer decisions; adding Section 4.13.035, Powers and Duties of the Hearings Officer, to set forth duties for the Hearings Officer; amending Section 4.13.040, License Required, to state that failure to obtain a license is a misdemeanor; adding Section 4.13.045, Fees, to identify the right to set certain fees and establish a fee schedule; amending Section 4.13.050, Classes of Licenses–Separate Entity, to add Brew Pub, Brewery and Craft Distillery Liquor Licenses; amending Section 4.13.060, Application for License, to change the application for a license from the Board to the Hearings Officer and to require a sworn affidavit by the Liquor Manager that all employees will complete server training; amending Section 4.13.070, Investigation–Fees, to exempt wholesale dealers from the background investigation requirement and to remove specific fee amounts; amending Section 4.13.080, Investigations–Duties of Sheriff, to change the reporting of background investigations from the Board to the Business License Division; amending Section 4.13.100, License–Procedure, to change the consideration of licenses for approval and denial from the Board to the Hearings Officer and to exempt wholesale dealers from the appearance requirement; adding Section 4.13.102, Appeals, to set forth provisions for the appeal of Hearings Officer Decisions to the Board; amending Section 4.13.105, License–Application Fees, to remove specific fee amounts, to allow for the refund of the application fee in the event of license denial and to allow a 50 percent refund if the applicant doesn't go into business; amending Section 4.13.110, License–Fees, to remove specific fee amounts, to state that license fees will be prorated and to modify provisions for penalties related to non-payment of license fees; amending Section 4.13.115, Death of or Change to Person Listed on a License, to require that an updated application be filed when the liquor manager changes and that a change in liquor manager requires approval by the Hearings Officer; amending Section 4.13.120, License–Transferability, Use and Reactivation, to allow for certain changes to existing licenses, to allow for the serving, sale and dispensing of alcohol in the public right-of-way with an encroachment permit, to allow for reactivation of existing licenses under certain circumstances and to remove specific fee amounts; amending Section 4.13.125, Issuance or Denial of License, to change the granting or denying of licenses from the Board to the Hearings Officer, to state that conditions of approval may include, but not be limited to, the payment of delinquent city fees, fines or taxes prior to the issuance of the license, to add two additional offenses within the last five years which would make a person unsuitable for a liquor license and to allow for proof of an approved payment plan or similar arrangement when a person is in arrears in child support payments; changing Section 4.13.135, Reactivation of Prior Existing License to Section 4.13.135, Enforcement Authority, and to outline various enforcement duties; amending Section 4.13.140, Grounds for Disciplinary Action, to state that grounds for disciplinary action will include the selling or dispensing of liquor not purchased from a state-licensed wholesale dealer pursuant to NRS, to add a provision consistent with NRS that the Board has the power to recommend to the State Department of Taxation suspension or revocation of a license; amending Section 4.13.150, Disciplinary Action Procedure and Penalties, to allow the Sheriff to recommend investigation of the conduct of any licensee, to allow the director to investigate the conduct of any licensee, to change the timeframe in which a penalty may be imposed for criminal citations from six months to 12 months, to reduce the fine for the third offense for criminal citations related to the sale of liquor from $1,500.00 to $1,000.00, to add a provision consistent with NRS that the Board has the right to suspend or revoke summarily any license under certain circumstances and to change the annual activity report due date from December to January; and deleting Section 4.13.210, Possession of Open Liquor and Consumption of Liquor in Public Prohibited. (Susan Pansky, SPansky@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Board of Supervisors has requested various changes to the Liquor Ordinance, primarily to allow for the review of liquor license applications by a Hearings Officer, to provide a background check and appearance exemptions for wholesale dealers, to allow for the selling, serving and dispensing of alcohol within the public right-of-way adjacent to a business holding a valid liquor license with the approval of an encroachment permit and to remove specific fee amounts from the ordinance in favor of adopting them separately by resolution.   

 14.C   For Possible Action: To recommend to the Board of Supervisors adoption of a Resolution moving specific fee amounts for liquor license fees from the Carson City Municipal Code Title 4, Licenses and Business Regulations, Chapter 13, Liquor Board and Liquor License and Sales, to a separate fee schedule which will be maintained by the Business License Division and which may be amended with approval of the Board of Supervisors. (Susan Pansky, SPansky@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: This Resolution is proposed in conjunction with the amendment to the Liquor Ordinance and will remove specific fee amounts from the Liquor Ordinance in favor of adopting them in a separate fee schedule. Adopting fees separately by Resolution will allow for future amendments without amending the Liquor Ordinance. Modifications to existing fee amounts are not proposed. 

15.    Public Comment:**
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.

16.    For Possible Action:  To Adjourn as the Liquor and Entertainment Board

17.    Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors

Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items

18.    Any item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time. 

19.    Fire

 19.A   For Possible Action: To approve an Interlocal Contract between the State of Nevada acting by and through its Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Nevada Division of Forestry and the Consolidated Municipality of Carson City, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement on behalf of Carson City.  (John Arneson, jarneson@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: This interlocal contract strengthens Carson City's ability to respond to wildland fires and other emergencies.  Additionally, it creates a means for financial assistance to be provided to Carson City through the State of Nevada fire fund which is used to pay for operational expenses incurred in fighting wildland fire and other emergencies. 

 19.B   For Possible Action: To authorize Emergency Management, on behalf of Carson City, to submit a letter of intent to apply for assistance from the Nevada State Disaster Relief account; for expenses not reimbursed by private insurance or Federal aid. (Stacey Belt, sbelt@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  Carson City must submit a letter of intent in order to apply for assistance from the Nevada State Disaster Relief account; for expenses not reimbursed by private insurance or Federal aid. 

20.    Purchasing and Contracts

 20.A   For Possible Action:  To approve the purchase of Nexplanon (a long acting birth control implant) for Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) through the 340B/Prime Vendor Drug Discount Program, a U.S. federal government program, from Curascript, an approved distributor under this program, for a total amount not to exceed $61,500.00 to be funded from the Health and Human Services Clinic Title X account for FY 2016/2017.  (Laura Rader, LRader@0599hd.com and Nicki Aaker, NAaker@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Carson City Health and Human Services Department utilizes the current 340B/Prime Vendor Drug Discount Program to purchase Nexplanon, a long acting birth control implant, for clinic family planning patients under the Title X (Family Planning) program.

 20.B   For Possible Action: To approve the purchase of one (1) water utility truck, one (1) sewer van, one (1) waste water treatment plant utility truck, and one (1) streets rubber melter from Michael Hohl Motor Company and Capital Ford through State of Nevada’s competitive bid list, and HGAC buy program (Houston-Galveston Area Council) cooperative purchasing agreement for a not to exceed amount of $288,150.16 to be funded from the Water Fund Equipment, Sewer Maintenance Equipment, and Streets Maintenance Equipment Accounts. (Laura Rader, LRader@0599hd.com and Zach Good, ZGood@0599hd.com) 

Staff Summary: Public Works is looking to replace two (2) utility trucks, one (1) sewer tv van, and one (1) streets rubber melter / crack fill machine.  Equipment being replaced is at the end of useful life and is not cost effective to maintain. These purchases were planned for and were previously funded as part of current budgets. 

21.    Finance

 21.A   For Possible Action: To accept the Corrected Carson City Cost Allocation Plan for the fiscal year ended June, 30, 2016 for use in preparing the Fiscal Year 2018 Carson City Budget. (Nancy Paulson, npaulson@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  City staff is requesting that the Board accept the Corrected Cost Allocation Plan prepared by Mahoney and Associates using financial information for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016 for use in preparing the FY 2018 Carson City Budget.  The City will use the Corrected Cost Allocation Plan for amounts charged to Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds.

22.    Community Development - Planning

 22.A   For Possible Action:  To consider the continuation or revocation of the extension of Building Permit 12-52 and Fire Permits 12-265 and 14-556 pursuant to the Board of Supervisors' approval of an 18-month extension of the subject permits on September 15, 2016, including an opportunity for the property owner of the Ormsby House or his representative to provide the Board of Supervisors with an update on the construction and marketing efforts to sell the property. (Shawn Keating, skeating@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Board of Supervisors approved an extension of the Ormsby House building permits subject to the conditions that 1) all exterior civil engineering improvements (site work, driveway, etc.) must be completed by December 15, 2016, 2) the property owner or representative shall provide the Board of Supervisors an update on the project, including marketing efforts and construction, every six months with the first update on March 2, 2017, and 3) failure to comply with conditions 1 or 2 will result in the revocation of the referenced permits. The applicant completed exterior improvements in compliance with condition 1. 
 22.B   For Possible Action: To accept the Historic Resources Commission Annual Report for 2016.  (Hope Sullivan, hsullivan@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Historic Resources Commission (HRC) bylaws require the HRC to submit an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, including information about cases reviewed by the HRC, administrative reviews and information regarding other historic preservation activities.
 22.C   For Possible Action: To introduce, on first reading, an ordinance amending the Carson City Municipal Code, Title 18, Zoning; Chapter 18.04, Use Districts, Section 18.04.010, Districts Established, to add a new zoning district, General Industrial Airport (GIA), to the list of industrial districts; amending Section 18.04.150, General Industrial (GI), to prohibit federally illegal uses on parcels that share a boundary with land owned by the Carson City Airport; adding a new Section 18.04.152, General Industrial Airport (GIA), to create a new zoning district in the vicinity of the Carson City Airport allowing all manufacturing uses allowed in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district, but prohibiting all commercial uses allowed in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district; and amending Section 18.04.195, Non-Residential Districts Intensity and Dimensional Standards, to add site development standards for the new General Industrial Airport (GIA) zoning district. (Susan Pansky, spansky@0599hd.com)  

Staff Summary: This Zoning Code Amendment will 1) create a new zoning district, General Industrial Airport (GIA), which will allow all of the manufacturing uses currently allowed in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district, but will prohibit commercial uses currently allowed in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district, and 2) prohibit federally illegal uses on parcels that share a boundary with land owned by the Carson City Airport. The General Industrial Airport (GIA) zoning district will have the same site development standards as the General Industrial (GI) zoning district.

 22.D   For Possible Action: To introduce, on first reading, an ordinance to change the zoning from Air Industrial Park and Public Community to General Industrial Airport on properties located in the vicinity of the Carson City Airport, generally located north of Arrowhead Drive and south of Conestoga Drive, east of Goni Road and west of the eastern section line of Section 33, Township 16 North and Range 20 East, excluding those parcels already zoned General Industrial, APNs 005-072-22, 005-072-23, 005-072-24, 005-073-01, 005-073-02, 005-073-03, 005-072-18, 005-072-20, 005-072-21, 005-073-10, 005-073-11, 005-073-12, 005-071-01, 005-071-02, 005-071-03, 005-071-04, 005-071-05, 005-071-06, 005-071-07, 005-071-08, 005-071-09, 005-071-10, 005-071-11, 005-072-01, 005-072-02, 005-072-03, 005-072-04, 005-072-05, 005-072-06, 005-072-07, 005-072-08, 005-072-09, 005-072-10, 005-072-11, 005-072-99 and 005-073-99; to change the zoning from Limited Industrial to General Industrial on properties generally located east of the Carson City Airport and south of Arrowhead Drive, excluding those parcels already zoned General Industrial, APNs 005-052-01, 005-052-04, 005-053-01, 005-053-02, 005-053-07, 005-054-10, 005-081-01, 005-081-04, 005-081-05, 005-081-06, 005-081-07, 005-081-08, 005-081-16, 005-081-17, 005-081-09, 005-081-10, 005-081-11, 005-081-12, 005-081-13, 005-081-14, 005-081-15, 005-054-03, 005-054-04, 005-054-05, 005-054-06, 005-054-08, 005-054-09 and 005-054-11; and to change the zoning from Public Regional and Limited Industrial to Public Regional on the Carson City Airport property, located at 2600 College Parkway, APN 005-011-01. (Susan Pansky, spansky@0599hd.com)  

Staff Summary: Staff has been directed by the Board of Supervisors to initiate a Zoning Map Amendment in conjunction with the Zoning Code Amendment to be heard as ZCA-16-176 to change the zoning on certain parcels in the vicinity of the Carson City Airport from Air Industrial Park (AIP) and Public Community (PC) to a new zoning district called General Industrial Airport (GIA), and to change the zoning on certain parcels in the vicinity of the Carson City Airport from Limited Industrial (LI) to General Industrial (GI), to promote new development and expansion of manufacturing in north Carson City. As a part of this process, staff is also proposing to eliminate the split-zoning that currently exists on the eastern portion of the main Carson City Airport parcel by changing the zoning from Public Regional (PR) and Limited Industrial (PR) to Public Regional (PR) only.

 22.E   For Possible Action: To consider a request from Blackstone Development Group Inc. for a Tentative Subdivision Map known as Blackstone Ranch Phase 1, consisting of 189 single family residential lots on property approved for Single Family 6000 zoning, located south of East Robinson Street, east of North Saliman Road, and north of East Fifth Street, APN 010-041-70.  (Hope Sullivan, hsullivan@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: Per the provisions of Section 17.05.010 of the Carson City Municipal Code (CCMC), the Board of Supervisors is authorized to approve a Tentative Subdivision Map.  The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.  The Planning Commission reviewed the subject application at its meeting of February 22, 2017, and has recommended approval of the request based on the ability to make the required findings subject to Conditions of Approval.

 22.F   For Possible Action:  To adopt Bill No. 105, on second reading, an ordinance amending Title 8, Public Peace, Safety and Morals, by amending Chapters 8.08, Nuisances, and 8.09, Enforcement Provisions for Nuisances, to better clarify the manner in which nuisances are to be abated; and making certain other conforming changes.  (Iris Yowell, iyowell@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The ordinance proposes to amend sections of the Code as follows:
SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES: Section 8.08.020, to clarify that the scope of Chapter 8.08, Nuisances, includes lodging.  Section 8.08.030, to include residential motels within the definition of "building," defining "lodging" to mean buildings and structures that a person pays to inhabit, but not including apartments, condominiums and houses, and defining a "residential motel" as one with six (6) or more units that are used by non-transient guests who remain longer than twenty-eight (28) days. Repealing Sections 8.08.040, 8.08.080, 8.08.150 and 8.08.190, because those sections presently overlap in describing the nature of nuisance violations and the penalties for nuisances, and replacing those sections with a new Section 8.08.095, which consolidates prohibited acts and an escalating system of enforcement in one section.  Section 8.08.070, to add to the list of nuisances per se: Conditions that are hazards under the International Property Maintenance Code, and nuisances listed in the section which occur on the premises of a residential motel.  Section 8.08.100, for the abatement of nuisances and nuisances per se, to clarify that the imposition of a special assessment does not preclude the imposition and collection of civil penalties and fees which are otherwise allowed by Chapter 8.08.  Section 8.08.105, for the abatement of chronic nuisances, to direct the District Attorney to act in cooperation with enforcement officials, to clarify that notice and an opportunity for a hearing is required before property is secured or closed, and to direct that situations requiring emergency action be addressed using the procedures for summary abatement.  Section 8.08.160, to provide that an occupant of a property, building or premises that is to be demolished as unsafe or dangerous need not be given relocation assistance or be considered a displaced person if the occupant caused the nuisance condition.  Section 8.09.110, to clarify that administrative penalties may include administrative fines, and that the imposition of an administrative penalty does not exclude the imposition of abatement costs incurred by the city.  Section 8.09.130, to provide that an enforcement official may for good cause shown, allow an owner of property additional time to correct a nuisance condition, and may delay recordation of a notice of violation.  Section 8.09.290, to add procedural protections in the event of summary abatement, such that the owner must be served with a notice of imminent danger, to set forth the required contents of the notice of imminent danger, and to clarify that "imminent danger" involves a condition requiring rapid action.  Section 8.09.300, to add to the process of summary abatement: Notice, a hearing, and the opportunity to appeal the results of the hearing to a court, but on a more condensed time-scale than other enforcement actions.  Adding a new Section 8.09.305 to address "immediate emergencies," which pose such a present and actual danger to occupants of structures or to the general public, that an enforcement official must act immediately and due process is provided on a post-deprivation basis.  Section 8.09.310, to allow foreclosure of a code enforcement lien.  Section 8.09.350, to require a hearing officer to have training in administrative law or equivalent experience.  Sections 8.09.390, 8.09.400, 8.09.450, 8.09.470 and 8.09.480, to recognize the shortened periods for notice and action within the process of summary abatement.

NON-SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES: Section 8.08.050, to maintain parallel sentence structure.  Section 8.08.090, to add missing prefatory language.  Section 8.08.120, to make conforming changes with the rest of the ordinance.  Section 8.08.140, to maintain parallel structure (related: Section 8.09.050 is repealed because it duplicates Section 8.08.140).  Section 8.08.180, to add omitted words.  Section 8.09.020, to add omitted words.  Section 8.09.060, to correct grammar.  Sections 8.09.080 and 8.09.100, to add language so that those sections read more logically.  Section 8.09.150, to add missing articles.  Sections 8.09.170 and 8.09.190, adding language to make the sections read more logically.  Section 8.09.490, to make technical changes and add a cross-reference. 
23.    Recess as the Board of Supervisors

Redevelopment Authority

24.    Call to Order & Roll Call - Redevelopment Authority

25.    Public Comment:**

The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.

26.    For Possible Action:  Approval of Minutes - January 5, 2017 and January 19, 2017 

27.    Community Development

 27.A   For Possible Action: To accept the Redevelopment allocation plan for Redevelopment undesignated funds for the remainder of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 and estimating allocations for FY 2017-18 and the following four years for the purposes of budget planning as recommended by the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee to implement Redevelopment objectives. (Lee Plemel, lplemel@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee (RACC) annually makes recommendations to the Redevelopment Authority regarding the allocation of certain discretionary Redevelopment funds. The Redevelopment Authority may accept or modify these recommendations and/or add other projects or programs for current or future program funding. 
28.    Public Comment:**
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.

29.    For Possible Action:  To Adjourn as the Redevelopment Authority

30.    Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors

31.    Board of Supervisors

Non-Action Items:
Legislative matters - no Board action will be taken - the Mayor may give limited staff direction regarding staff work and/or future agenda item(s).
Future agenda items
Status review of projects
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report


32.    City Manager

 32.A   For Possible Action: To appoint one member to the Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee.  There is one position for "Business Operator or Property Owner" from Redevelopment Area 1, to fill a three year term that will expire January 2020. (Nick Marano, nmarano@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: The Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee is a seven-member committee that advises the Redevelopment Authority on matters pertaining to the Redevelopment District. There is one position open due to a member's term expiring. A new application was submitted by Lee Kennedy.

 32.B   For Possible Action: To appoint one member to the Library Board of Trustees to fill an unexpired term ending June 2017. (Nick Marano, nmarano@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: NRS 379.020 provides for the Board of Supervisors to appoint five competent persons who are residents of the county to serve as county library trustees. There is one vacancy due to a member resignation. A new application was submitted by Amanda Long.
 32.C   For Possible Action: To ratify the approval of bills and other requests for payments by the City Manager for the period of February 4, 2017 thru March 3, 2017. (Nick Marano, nmarano@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: All bills or other requests for payment verified per CCMC 2.29 shall be presented by the Controller, together with the register book of demands and warrants to the City Manager who shall audit the same, and if found authorized, correct and legal, shall signify by his signature, as agent for the board, upon the register book of demands and warrants those demands which are approved or disapproved by him.  Upon approval, the warrants, as prepared aforesaid, shall issue.  The City Manager shall then cause the register book of bills and other requests for payment and warrants to be presented at least once a month to the board of supervisors, who shall by motion entered into its minutes, ratify the action taken on the bills or other requests for payment.

33.    Health and Human Services

 33.A   For Possible Action: To approve Carson City Health and Human Services applying to be a sub-grantee for the Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families grant through the State of Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH).   (Nicki Aaker, naaker@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: This is a three-year funding opportunity that will be used to provide support for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families in an amount not to exceed $330,000 to be evenly distributed over a three year period.  Some of these funds over the 3-year grant period will be passed through to other entities at the request of the grantor.  No additional full time staff will be hired for the project and there is no required match.   

34.    Public Comment:
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.

35.    For Possible Action:  To Adjourn as the Board of Supervisors

Board of Health

36.    Call to Order & Roll Call - Board of Health

37.    Public Comment:**

The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.

38.    For Possible Action:  Approval of Minutes - January 5, 2017 (corrected) 

39.    Health and Human Services

 39.A   For Possible Action:  Proposal of the Health Officer's Report for approval, with feedback and direction from the Board discussed at the meeting incorporated.  (Nicki Aaker, naaker@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  Provide an update on the Health Officer’s engagement in the department and the community.  This is an opportunity to formally inform the Board of Health of the Health Officer’s role and her current projects.  Feedback and direction is requested from the Board regarding the Health Officer’s report concerning activities the Health Officer is engaged in both internally and externally for Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS).

 39.B   Discussion Only: Present and discuss Carson City Health and Human Services' updated Workforce Development Plan. (Nicki Aaker, naaker@0599hd.com and Sandy Wartgow, swartgow@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  CCHHS Workforce Development Plan was initially presented to the Board of Health on January 15, 2015.  This plan has been implemented to standardize orientation, competencies and education of the workforce as part of our Public Health Accreditation efforts.  A training committee has been developed to present and produce training opportunities for staff, and act as a resource for staff to suggest training needs along with helping to complete mandatory training and orientation.  This plan is updated on a continual basis.    

 39.C   Presentation and Discussion Only:  Present and discuss Carson City Health and Human Services Workforce Program activities. (Nicki Aaker, naaker@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary:  The Human Services Division has managed a Workforce Program supported by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG).  This program is designed to assist residents with removing barriers to stable employment which may include developing interview skills, obtaining identification, and providing work clothing/shoes to start employment.  In addition, we have conducted two job fairs per year in order to connect job seekers and employers. 

 39.D    For Discussion Only:  This discussion is an overview of the funding challenges for Nevada and Carson City leading to possible service delivery challenges of certain Carson Health and Human Services' programs, and ending with suggestions of actions to take.  (Nicki Aaker, naaker@0599hd.com)

Staff Summary: Public health spending per capita in Nevada is among the lowest in the United States according to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's 2015 report titled, "Investing in America's Health: A State-by-State Look at Public Health Funding and Key Health Facts."   Federal and state funding challenges can impact service delivery of some of Carson City Health and Human Services' programs.  Public health prevention programs are usually funded with discretionary funds that are often not stable.  Prevention efforts in public health are to prevent long-term health consequences that accounts for much of healthcare spending overall.  

40.    Public Comment:**
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.

41.    For Possible Action:  To Adjourn as the Board of Health

**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS - The Mayor and Supervisors meet at various times as different public bodies: the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority, and the Carson City Board of Health.  Each, as called to order, will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment.  In addition, it is Carson City’s aspirational goal to also provide for item-specific public comment as follows:  In order for members of the public to participate in the public body’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the mayor/chair during the item itself.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and Chair, also retain discretion to only provide for the Open Meeting Law’s minimum public comment and not call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: 1) it is deemed necessary by the mayor/chair to the orderly conduct of the meeting; 2) it involves an off-site non-action facility tour agenda item; or 3) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code. 
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters.  If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager’s Office.  You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager’s Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775) 887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
To request a copy of the supporting materials for this meeting contact Janet Busse at jbusse@0599hd.com or call (775) 887-2100.
This agenda and backup information are available on the City’s website at dzy8.0599hd.com/agendas and at the City Manager’s Office - City Hall, 201 N. Carson Street, Ste 2, Carson City, Nevada  (775)887-2100.

This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center  851 East William Street
Courthouse  885 East Musser Street
City Hall  201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library  900 North Roop Street
Community Development Permit Center  108 East Proctor Street

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