Carson City
09-06-18 Agenda with Supporting Materials
Day: Thursday
Date: September 6, 2018
Time: Beginning at 8:30 am
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
1. Call to Order - Board of Supervisors
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation - Pat Propster, Calvary Chapel
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comment:**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.
6. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - August 16, 2018
7. For Possible Action: Adoption of Agenda
8. Special Presentation
8.A Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Gil Yanuck for his many years of service to the community and to the Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife.
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.
9. Assessor
9.A For Possible Action: To approve the partial removal and refund of the 2018/19 Real Property Taxes for parcel number 009-197-02 (150 E Roland St.) in the amount of $10,878.32 (refund of $1,545.32) per NRS 361.125. (Dave Dawley,
Staff Summary: Assessor's parcel number 009-197-02 located at 150 E. Roland St. had previously been rented to another church which vacated the property in July of 2017. The property remained vacant until August 15, 2018 at which time the property owner, Lake Tahoe Christian Fellowship began to have mid-week services. The Assessor’s Office is asking for the 2018/19 Real Property Taxes be pro-rated from July 1, 2018 to August 15, 2018. This would reduce the current 2018/19 tax bill from $12,446.98 to $1,568.66 (removing $10,878.32). The owner has paid the first installment amount of $3,113.98, so a refund of $1,545.32 is requested as well.
10. Finance
10.A For Possible Action: To accept the report on the condition of each fund in the treasury and the statements of receipts and expenditures through August 24, 2018, per NRS 251.030 and NRS 354.290. (Sheri Russell,
Staff Summary: NRS 251.030 requires the Chief Financial Officer (for the purpose of the statute acting as the County Auditor) to report to the Board of Supervisors, at each regular meeting thereof, the condition of each fund in the treasury. NRS 354.290 requires the County Auditor to report to the Board of Supervisors a statement of revenues and expenditures based on the accounts and funds as were used in the budget. A more detailed accounting is available on the City’s website –
11. Purchasing and Contracts
11.A For Possible Action: To approve Amendment No. 1 for Contract #1718-217, Sugarloaf Battery System Replacement with Sierra Electronics, to extend the term of the contract through October 15, 2018. (Carol Akers, and James Jacklett,
Staff Summary: This Amendment extends the contract to allow time for completion of the scope of work, making no change to the original contract amount of $49,611.22.
11.B For Possible Action: To approve Contract No. 1819-098 with Innovative Contracting & Engineering to provide cost estimating services for the South Carson Street Complete Street Project, in an amount not to exceed $144,660.00, to be funded from the Infrastructure Tax account. (Carol Akers, and Tom Grundy,
Staff Summary: This contract is to provide independent cost estimating services for the South Carson Street Complete Street Project. The scope of services includes risk management, development of a risk register, constructability reviews, independent cost estimating and assistance with guaranteed maximum price negotiations.
11.C For Possible Action: To approve Contract No. 1819-099 with Kimley-Horn to provide design of a roundabout at North Stewart Street for the South Carson Street Complete Street Project, in an amount not to exceed $114,071.00 to be funded from the Infrastructure Tax Fund. (Carol Akers, and Tom Grundy, LATE MATERIALS
Staff Summary: This contract is to provide roundabout design for a roundabout at North Stewart Street for the South Carson Street Complete Street Project. The scope of services includes analysis of traffic volumes and intersection operations, evaluation of flashing pedestrian beacons, attendance at one public meeting, attendance at two stakeholder meetings and plans and specifications for the roundabout to be located at North Stewart Street.
(End of Consent Agenda)
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items
12. Item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time.
13. City Manager
13.A For Possible Action: To appoint Jean Perpich as the Public Guardian for a four-year term beginning on September 7, 2018 until September 7, 2022 and to set the starting compensation at $75,000 per year. (Nancy Paulson,
Staff Summary: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 253.150 requires the Board of Supervisors to establish the office of public guardian and to appoint a public guardian to serve at the pleasure of the Board for a term of four years. After reviewing the applications for the position and interviewing several applicants, the Interim City Manager is recommending the appointment of Jean Perpich for the four-year term beginning on September 7, 2018.
14. Community Development - Planning
14.A For Possible Action: To adopt, on second reading, Bill No. 112, an ordinance amending Title 18 Appendix (Development Standards), Division 4 (Signs), Sections 4.3 (Definitions) and 4.4 (Administration) of the Carson City Municipal Code to amend regulations related to temporary banners, flags, A-frame signs and other temporary sign devices, and to modify the definition of “frontage of building” to make the method of measurement of allowable sign area consistent between shopping centers and other commercial uses. (Lee Plemel,
Staff Summary: Currently, banners and freestanding flags are permitted for up to 30 days in any 90-day period, and A-frame signs are prohibited except within the downtown area. The proposed changes include allowing flags, without time limitation, only attached to buildings, allowing A-frame signs adjacent to all businesses, and removing time limitations for banners. Also, the definition of “frontage of building” is being modified to create consistency in the way permitted sign area is measured for commercial uses.
14.B For Possible Action: To adopt, on second reading, Bill No. 113, an ordinance amending a development agreement between Carson City and Roventini, LLC, to extend the tentative planned unit development map expiration date to September 6, 2019, for the development known as Clearview Ridge, located west of Cochise Street between West Roventini Way and West Overland Street, east of Voltaire Street, APNs 09-263-06, -07, -08, and -09. (Hope Sullivan, LATE MATERIALS
Staff Summary: The Clearview Ridge Planned Unit Development tentative map expires on September 6, 2018, unless the Board approves an extension of time as permitted under the current development agreement. The developer is requesting an extension of time to 2019 as the firms handling the technical drawings are backlogged, and need additional time to finalize drawings.
15. Finance
15.A For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution of intent, proposing the issuance of, and authorizing the publication of notices relating to general obligation (limited tax) water bonds (additionally secured by pledged revenues), in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,000,000, for the purpose of financing water projects for the City; providing the manner, form and contents of the notices; authorizing the City Manager or the City’s Chief Financial Officer to arrange for the sale of the Bonds; and providing the effective date. (Sheri Russell,
Staff Summary: Staff is recommending the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution of intent to issue general obligation (limited tax) water bonds (additionally secured by pledged revenues) and authorize the City Manager or the City's Chief Financial Officer to arrange for the sale of the bonds. Pursuant to NRS 350.087, this Resolution must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Supervisors.
16. Public Works
16.A For Possible Action: To introduce on first reading, an ordinance relating to sewer pipe design criteria; amending Title 18 Appendix (Carson City Development Standards), Division 15 (Water, Sewer, Reclaimed Water Standards) of the Carson City Municipal Code to establish certain sizing and peak flow requirements relating to sewer pipes; and making conforming changes in Title 12 (Water, Sewerage and Drainage), Chapter 12.06 (Industrial Wastewater Discharges – Sewer Design Standards). (Dan Stucky,
Staff Summary: Section 15.3.2 of the Title 18 Appendix (Carson City Development Standards) provides for sewer design criteria. The proposed amendment to the Standards addresses sewer main pipe sizing based on design peak flow data and creating a capacity distinction based on pipe size.
17. Parks and Recreation
17.A For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution to designate Carson City, NV as a Bee City USA affiliate. (Lyndsey Boyer,
Staff Summary: The Great Basin Beekeepers of Nevada propose adopting a resolution to designate Carson City as a Bee City USA affiliate. This program serves to promote a healthy and sustainable habitat in order to support vital pollinator populations for the benefit of our health and economy. Adopting the Bee City USA designation will encourage citizens and department staff to make pollinator friendly choices for the benefit of our community.
17.B Presentation Only: Presentation by the Carson City Weed Coalition to provide an update to the Board of Supervisors and the public regarding the Coalition's efforts. (Marenna Disbro,
Staff Summary: Led by Carson City, the Carson City Weed Coalition (CCWC) includes representatives for private landowners and various public land management agencies. The overall goal of the CCWC is to provide outreach and education to the public, as well as assistance with weed management efforts throughout the City. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an update to the Board of Supervisors and the public regarding the CCWC and these efforts.
17.C For Possible Action: To accept a $250,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant ($250,000 city required match from the Quality of Life Fund-open space) and authorize the fee title acquisition of 206 acres south of the Timberline Subdivision and Vicee Canyon (APNs 007-091-66 and 007-293-29) from Gerald and Luanna Hamm for open space and passive recreation purposes; and authorize the Mayor, or named designee, to execute all documents related to same on behalf of the city. (Ann Bollinger,
Staff Summary: On March 15, 2018, the Board of Supervisors (the Board) authorized the submittal of grant application(s) to the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and other programs for fee-title acquisition of 206 acres owned by Gerald and Luanna Hamm. The project was ranked No. 1 by the grant committee. A property appraisal was completed by Mr. Anthony J. Wren, MAI which determined a fair market value of $501,000. The grant requires a 1:1 match, which will be expended from the Quality of Life – Open Space budget, in which adequate funding is available. This property will be essential to Carson City's trail system.
17.D For Possible Action: To approve the Open Space Annual Report for 2017 and possible further action to provide feedback and direction to staff regarding the Work Plan for Fiscal Year 18-19. (Ann Bollinger,
Staff Summary: Carson City Municipal Code Section 13.06.090 requires that the Open Space Advisory Committee provide an annual report of their activities to the Board of Supervisors. The work plan for fiscal year 18-19, which is included as supporting documentation, outlines the projects, goals, and objectives of the Open Space Division within the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department. Staff is requesting feedback and possible direction concerning the activities outlined in the work plan.
18. City Manager
18.A For Possible Action: To appoint one member to the Carson City Planning Commission, for an unexpired term created by a vacancy and which will expire in January, 2021. (Nancy Paulson,
Staff Summary: CCMC Section 18.02.010 and NRS 278.030 and 278.040 provide for a Planning Commission to be composed of not more than seven members who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. There is one open position due to the resignation of Commissioner Candace Stowell. New applications were submitted by Jill Davis, Alexander Dawers and Joseph Spencer.
19. Board of Supervisors
Non-Action Items:
Future agenda items
Status review of projects
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report
20. Public Comment:
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.
21. For Possible Action: To Adjourn
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS - The Mayor and Supervisors meet at various times as different public bodies: the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority, and the Carson City Board of Health. Each, as called to order, will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. In addition, it is Carson City’s aspirational goal to also provide for item-specific public comment as follows: In order for members of the public to participate in the public body’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the mayor/chair during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and Chair, also retain discretion to only provide for the Open Meeting Law’s minimum public comment and not call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: 1) it is deemed necessary by the mayor/chair to the orderly conduct of the meeting; 2) it involves an off-site non-action facility tour agenda item; or 3) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code.
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager’s Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager’s Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775) 887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
To request a copy of the supporting materials for this meeting contact Janet Busse at or call (775) 887-2100.
This agenda and backup information are available on the City’s website at and at the City Manager’s Office - City Hall, 201 N. Carson Street, Ste 2, Carson City, Nevada (775)887-2100.
This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center 851 East William Street
Courthouse 885 East Musser Street
City Hall 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library 900 North Roop Street
Community Development Permit Center 108 East Proctor Street